Since 1890, The Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association has worked to carry out the mission of its founding fathers who assembled, based on their perceived need, to provide: 'some method of united action to preserve the natural beauties of the place by ornamentation of the streets and public grounds of the village, by the planting and cultivating of trees, and doing such acts as shall tend to beautify, adorn and increase the attractions of the village and to promote the public welfare.'

To that end, The Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association has decided to establish a gifting opportunity for the community; the criteria and application process, as written below, reflect the original intent of the Association. As in the past, the Association does not intend to fund entire projects, but rather to provide seed money to initiate a project, or perhaps to complete one. Funds will be awarded at the discretion of the VIA. Applications may be submitted to any Director no later than April first and awards will be announced at the annual meeting in August.



Project must be within the town of Bar Harbor


Town projects will have priority over other groups

The presentation to the board should include:


Project plans


Project description (not to exceed one page)


Estimated cost


How project will enhance the community

Award winners and amounts will be based on:

Value added to the community

Enhancement or beautification of some aspect of the community

Number of people who will benefit from the project

Other sources of funding for the proposed project

Presentation of proposed project to the board

The discretion of the VIA Board

Dick Cough
President, Village Improvement Association