We encourage you to give to the Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association. As you can see by our recent list of projects your donations will be spent sensibly and on very worthwhile causes. Make your checks payable to the "Bar Harbor Village Improvement Association" and mail them to:

Bar Harbor VIA
127 West Street
Bar Harbor, ME 04609

Would you like to donate to the causes you care about, while also generating a steady retirement income and saving on your taxes? If doing good, while continuing to work toward achieving your financial and estate planning goals, sounds appealing, you may want to consider purchasing a charitable gift annuity. Some giving options include the following:

  • You can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
  • You can give stock and realize larger tax savings.
  • You can get a monthly paycheck for life in return for your gift.
  • You can make a gift that protects your income as you age.

Check with your financial advisor on how to best proceed